When we started to write this blog about tickborne illnesses, we were armed with facts and figures. Below is the one figure you need. Clearly Lyme is under diagnosed and spreading at alarming rates. every year- that is ten times as many as previously reported. Some medical professionals fear this epidemic is more widespread than […]

Do you like the look of lichens?
Do you like lichens? We recently received a phone call from a customer that her tree was being invaded by some wild fuzzy creatures. She said, My tree looks like it is from outerspace with hairy green appendages all over it.’ What was growing on her trees were lichen. Lichen, are an unusual pair. Yes, […]
Lawncare..in January????
Many of our customers are surprised to get a knock on their door, after Christmas. Why the heck would you still be fertilizing lawns? This fall was particularly challenging. After a very hot dry summer, lawns were in need of water. The fall continued with the pattern of lack of rain and lawns were in […]

Late Summer Weeds
Crabgrass and Nutsedge, late summer’s invasive weeds.

Mother’s Day Gift Ideas!
Stumped by what to give Mom for Mother’s Day? We have some ideas.

What’s Happening In Your Neighborhood?
Weather is not only unpredictable in the state of Massachusetts, it’s unpredictable from town to town. Trees, shrubs, lawns and the diseases and pests that affect them are on their own schedule this year. What is happening in your neck of the woods?

Are You Ready for Spring Lawn Care?
Your Greenskeeper is ready for spring lawn care in Massachusetts…are you?

Protect Your Trees From Insect Threats in Massachusetts
Many Massachusetts homeowners don’t consider tree care until it is too late.
Well Isn’t That Dandy? May 6, 2014
LYME DISEASE: The Difficulties Diagnosing An Epidemic April 17, 2014
Do you like the look of lichens? April 1, 2014
WINTER MOTH March 29, 2014
SPRING FEVER March 29, 2014