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Are You Ready for Spring Lawn Care? | The Greenskeeper Lawn Service
Lawn Tips & Tricks

Are You Ready for Spring Lawn Care?

 Are You Ready For Spring Lawn Care?

Your Greenskeeper is!  If the emails and phone calls we are getting are any indication so are our customers.  Here are a handful of tips that will help you and your lawn get off to a great start.

Rake:  Spring raking should not be a work out.  If you rake too hard, you run the risk of pulling up dormant grass by the roots.  The goal here is to remove debris and lightly fluff your grass so that air can adequately circulate.

 Clean Up: Pick up sticks, pinecones, stones and anything else that can dull your mower blade or become a projectile when mowing.

 Get your motor running:   An annual spring tune up is the best way to improve mower longevity and performance.  It’s as simple as changing the oil, replacing the spark plug and cleaning or replacing the air filter.  If you didn’t do it in the fall, remove the old gas from the gas tank. Check your mower blades and if necessary have them sharpened.  Dull blades tear and shred grass making it susceptible to disease. Finally, clean the deck of your mower.  Not a do it yourselfer?  Be sure to get your mower in for its annual tune up early so your mower is ready when you are.

  Call the Greenskeeper Lawn, Tree & Shrub:  Spring is the time for fertilizing and crabgrass preventative. Applied through mid May, this first round of treatment has all the right nutrients your lawn needs to get a jump start on the growing season.   If you are already a customer, just sit tight, we will be there!   Not yet a Greenskeeper customer?  Sign up for a free lawn analysis and estimate on our home page.  There is no obligation and you might decide that you too deserve a Greenskeeper!

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