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The Greenskeeper Lawn Service http://thegreenskeeperlawn.com Tue, 06 May 2014 22:10:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.8.25 Well Isn’t That Dandy? http://thegreenskeeperlawn.com/well-isnt-that-dandy/ http://thegreenskeeperlawn.com/well-isnt-that-dandy/#respond Tue, 06 May 2014 22:07:36 +0000 http://thegreenskeeperlawn.com/?p=422 Sea of Gold

Dandelions are pretty but not in your lawn.

Finally, the landscape is finally awash with color. But not all the color is welcome. Dandelions are popping up everywhere. A customer called this week and was concerned that our first treatment didn’t work. I assured her it had done exactly what it was meant to do- fertilize her lawn but that also means it helped along anything that was hungry for food and warm temperatures which didn’t make an appearance until well into April. Our spring lawn treatment contains a pre-emergent crab grass control. This product only stops the germination of crabgrass. Broadleaf weeds, like dandelions are not treated until they are actively growing. This method allows us to spot spray only where it is needed and not blanket your lawn with product. If you are a customer seeing a sea of gold in your yard- and it’s not loose change from a leprechaun’s pot, give us a call. Customers know, service calls are always free!

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LYME DISEASE: The Difficulties Diagnosing An Epidemic http://thegreenskeeperlawn.com/414/ http://thegreenskeeperlawn.com/414/#respond Thu, 17 Apr 2014 21:03:27 +0000 http://thegreenskeeperlawn.com/?p=414 When we started to write this blog about tickborne illnesses, we were armed with facts and figures.  Below is the one figure you need. Clearly  Lyme is under diagnosed and spreading at alarming rates.

every year- that is ten times as many as previously reported. Some medical professionals fear this epidemic is more widespread than AIDS and without greater awareness, more destructive.

Lyme disease is not easily diagnosed.  Most people assume that without an attached tick or bullseye rash, Lyme does not exist.  Below is a link to a series of short essays written by a doctor who is victim of late stage, undiagnosed Lyme disease.


Dr. Jon Sterngold Late Stage Lyme Diagnosis


The best way to beat Lyme and other tick borne illnesses is prevention.  Here are some tips:


  1. Tall grass is a great hiding spot for small animals that carry deer ticks.  These animals travel through leaf litter and carry deer ticks to your yard.  Keep grass around foundations, trees, fences and structures trimmed.


  1. Clean up debris from around your property.  Leaf litter is a haven for ticks.


  1. Tick checks-often times ticks hitch a ride into your home on your pet.  They fall off and often times a person becomes the new host.


  1. The Greenskeeper offers a variety of solutions for tick control.  Tick control is a great way to diminish tick populations and help to make your home safer for your pets and family.


Call today for pricing.

http://thegreenskeeperlawn.com/414/feed/ 0
Do you like the look of lichens? http://thegreenskeeperlawn.com/do-you-like-the-look-of-lichens/ http://thegreenskeeperlawn.com/do-you-like-the-look-of-lichens/#respond Tue, 01 Apr 2014 21:01:36 +0000 http://thegreenskeeperlawn.com/?p=398

How can you not like the look of lichens?

Do you like lichens?
We recently received a phone call from a customer that her tree was being invaded by some wild fuzzy creatures. She said, My tree looks like it is from outerspace with hairy green appendages all over it.’ What was growing on her trees were lichen. Lichen, are an unusual pair. Yes, pair. One part fungus  one part algae  the two live in harmony, each doing a job to keep the organism alive. The alga, a microscopic green plant, makes food for the pair while the fungus, a non green plant supports and provides moisture.  Lichen do not harm trees. They are squatters, hanging onto the branches and trunks of trees for support. Lichen are good indicators of air quality. They can withstand extreme heat and cold but perish in polluted conditions. They also work as air filters. Like other green plants, they use carbon dioxide for photosynthesis. Beside being air purifiers, lichen are used for a number of other purposes such as dyes, medicine and food. They are also sold for decorative purposes. For $12 you can buy a bag of them at Pottery Barn and use them as a vase filler. Or save yourself the $12 and pick them yourself. There seems to be an abundance of them all over Cape Cod and the South Shore.
Remember, healthy trees make for healthy air. If you have trees or shrubs that you would like to preserve the health and longevity of, call your Greenskeeper for a free consultation.

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WINTER MOTH http://thegreenskeeperlawn.com/winter-moth/ http://thegreenskeeperlawn.com/winter-moth/#respond Sat, 29 Mar 2014 18:40:26 +0000 http://thegreenskeeperlawn.com/?p=390

Last year many areas were spared from Winter Moth Caterpillars. According to UMass Extension, the numbers could be significantly higher than last year. It is unclear how the extreme cold temperatures will affect the numbers that hatch. While winter moth are historically cold tolerant, temperatures this year were extreme and may help to keep the numbers down. Regardless, your Greenskeeper is ready for them. If you see the start of activity in your area, give us a call. These pests are unpredictable and in recent years we have seen activity in very specific pockets. One neighborhood could be inundated while a few streets over there was no activity.

http://thegreenskeeperlawn.com/winter-moth/feed/ 0
SPRING FEVER http://thegreenskeeperlawn.com/spring-fever/ http://thegreenskeeperlawn.com/spring-fever/#respond Sat, 29 Mar 2014 18:18:58 +0000 http://thegreenskeeperlawn.com/?p=387

Who has spring fever?

Last week’s storm was Mother Nature’s wake up call to us all. Here at the Greenskeeper, we had enough. The day before the storm was spent raking, cleaning up branches and burning. Sure we knew that the lawn would be covered again but that little bit of warm weather had given us spring fever.

If you are itching to get out, here are a few things you can do to get ready for spring.

1. Lightly rake your lawn to remove twigs and debris and fluff up the turf to promote growth. Don’t rake too vigorously or you run the risk of pulling out viable dormant grass.

2. Remove any brown perennial foliage from garden plants that you were not able to remove last fall.

3. Trim back ornamental grasses.

4. Edge borders.

5. Look for emerging bulbs!

6. Cut some forsythia and bring it in and force it. Springtime in a vase!

Whatever gets you through the final days of March, go for it. Your Greenskeeper will see you soon!

http://thegreenskeeperlawn.com/spring-fever/feed/ 0
Lawncare..in January???? http://thegreenskeeperlawn.com/lawncare-in-january/ http://thegreenskeeperlawn.com/lawncare-in-january/#respond Fri, 10 Jan 2014 21:55:08 +0000 http://thegreenskeeperlawn.com/?p=384 Many of our customers are surprised to get a knock on their door, after Christmas. Why the heck would you still be fertilizing lawns? This fall was particularly challenging. After a very hot dry summer, lawns were in need of water. The fall continued with the pattern of lack of rain and lawns were in drought stress. Our winterizer treatment, which is started in late November through the end of the year, was pushed back due to snow cover. This year, more so than in years past, the winterizer treatment is important. This dormant feeding is designed to give lawns a boost of nutrients when they come out of dormancy. In April,when we start the season, lawns are already greening up and ready for their spring feeding and crabgrass preventative.

http://thegreenskeeperlawn.com/lawncare-in-january/feed/ 0
Fall Tree and Shrub Care http://thegreenskeeperlawn.com/fall-tree-and-shrub-care/ http://thegreenskeeperlawn.com/fall-tree-and-shrub-care/#respond Fri, 01 Nov 2013 21:12:43 +0000 http://thegreenskeeperlawn.com/?p=381 Fall is here and it’s time to start preparing your trees and shrubs for the winter. The services that we offer and recommend in fall are Tree Shrub Insect Disease Control, Fall Dormant Oil, Deep Root Fertilization and Antidessicant.

Tree/Shrub Insect Disease Control: Insects are still active and fungal diseases are a problem this time of year. A treatment in fall will make for healthier plants in spring.

Fall Dormant Oil: Smothers egg masses to prevent insects from hatching in spring. This is especially helpful for insects like winter moths.

Antidessicants: Cold biting winds dry out landscape plants. Antidessicants form a barrier to prevent wind burn on landscape plants.

Deep Root Fertilization: We recommend 2 deep root feedings per year. The spring feeding will promote new growth. A fall deep root feeding benefits root development and the overall health of your plants.

We also get asked quite often about pruning. It is not a service we offer but a good rule of thumb is to wait until your deciduous trees and shrubs (those that lose foliage in winter) are dormant until you do any pruning. In fall these plants are very susceptible to fungal diseases and slow healing wounds are excellent entrance points for those diseases. Also pruning when plants aren’t dormant promotes growth and the new growth will not survive cold winter temperatures.

http://thegreenskeeperlawn.com/fall-tree-and-shrub-care/feed/ 0
The Great Crabgrass Impostor http://thegreenskeeperlawn.com/the-great-crabgrass-imposter/ http://thegreenskeeperlawn.com/the-great-crabgrass-imposter/#respond Mon, 09 Sep 2013 19:02:04 +0000 http://thegreenskeeperlawn.com/?p=375 We have received as lot of phone calls the last 2 weeks about crabgrass.  While that is not unusual in many lawns this time of year, it is unusual in a lawn serviced by The Greenskeeper.  With 2 pre-emergent crabgrass control applications, that was one summer weed we have seen very little of and were shocked by some of the photos customers sent us.  We sent out intrepid staff out to look into the problems and given the hot, humid summer we were not surprised to see that the great impostor was back.  Dallisgrass.  Typically a southern weed, Dallisgrass was a problem in the north east this summer.   Unfortunately, crabgrass pre-emergent and control sprays are not effective on Dallisgrass.  Multiple sprays can take care of it but during hot weather, subsequent weed control sprays can harm the good turf grass.  With cooler weather, the Dallisgrass will die off.  It is important to remove seed heads to prevent spreading.  Those seeds can and will sit dormant until another hot, humid summer and start the cycle all over again.

It only looks like crabgrass.

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The Gall http://thegreenskeeperlawn.com/the-gall/ http://thegreenskeeperlawn.com/the-gall/#respond Mon, 09 Sep 2013 18:44:43 +0000 http://thegreenskeeperlawn.com/?p=367 We recently received a phone call from a customer on Cape Cod looking for information and spraying for Winter Moth caterpillars on her Oak Trees. The call was unusual because it was late summer- Winter Moth Caterpillar are a spring pest. The woman  had only recently noticed  the leaves on the ends of the limbs were sparse along with  clusters of leaves and broken twigs strewn around her property.  She, as many local residents were not pleased to hear there is a new pest in town that is doing  a tremendous amount of damage to oak trees. The culprit was not a caterpillar but a far less conspicuous predator, the 1/16 of an inch Bassettia ceropteroides or more commonly known, the Crypt Gall Wasp. Females lay eggs into the vascular system of tree branches, where larva develop. Encased in the branch, they are protected from predators and are fed by the tree. The wasp secretes saliva which sends a genetic message to the tree to produce woody material instead of producing leaves. This is what forms the tell tale gall that appear to be just swollen twigs on the tree. The twig gall prevents nutrients and water from getting to the leaves and branches of the trees. It also prevents the exchange of sugars vital for the life of a tree and is the perfect hiding place for these tiny parasitic insects. While insecticide treatments are still being investigated, there are cultural practices that can increase the vitality of your trees.  First, keep your trees well watered.  Remember, roots reach out to the drip line of trees so a good soaking is important.  Second, fertilize.  Extra nutrients will help the trees to recover from a pest like this.  Finally, treat for pests and diseases that can be controlled.  Often times it is secondary pests like the Gall Wasp that will give the final death blow to a tree that has been suffering from defoliation, drought stress or disease that has gone untreated.

Swollen twigs also known as galls protect the invasive Crypt Gall Wasp.

http://thegreenskeeperlawn.com/the-gall/feed/ 0
What is that fuzzy stuff in my lawn http://thegreenskeeperlawn.com/what-is-that-fuzzy-stuff-in-my-lawn/ http://thegreenskeeperlawn.com/what-is-that-fuzzy-stuff-in-my-lawn/#respond Wed, 15 May 2013 16:08:13 +0000 http://thegreenskeeperlawn.com/?p=362 Annual bluegrass is popping up in lawns all over Massachusetts. The fuzzy light green tops are the seed heads. This is typical for this time of your. There is not need to do anything. With proper mowing and fertilization, the annual bluegrass will blend in with the rest of your lush lawn. Don’t fertilizer? Call your Greenskeeper for a free estimate.  For more info on spring lawn care, check out this blog: http://thegreenskeeperlawn.com/spring-lawn-care-in-massachusetts-whats-new/

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